Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm going out again

very very high chances of me posting out from this place again. PRAISE GOD!!! :D

ever since I come back here I wasn't really happy because of certain things and certain people here

but I don't hate them. if this is the way this place is run then I will adapt and change toward what this place is required of me

and I pray that the new place I'm going to will be a happier one (STAY OUT PLEASE!! :D)

I want to stop taking leaves/off for cellgroup...I want to go for cellgroup the normal way

Friday, September 25, 2009

some random thoughts...

what is time ? why do you measure time in hours and minutes ? why is 1 hour 60 mins and not 100 mins ?

why is 1 day 24 hours ? why not 10 hours ? 5 for the day and 5 for the night ?

why do people get anxious when 1 timing for something that is demanded of them ?

patience is a virtue. how patient can you be until you lose your patience ? could your patience last more than 1 day ? 1 month ? 1 year ? what about waiting for 10 years ? 20 years ?

how long will it take for you to get anxious and try to push forward the date for something to be fulfiled ? will it be better if you get what is intended for you in the future now ?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

what if...

after being a Christian for almost 7 years now, I see a lot of things going on around me...

people backslide and came back to God and backslide again

and a common reason they give is "sorry I got no time" or "God didn't answer my prayers"

so...what if God really answers all your prayers ?

if you met a customer with a bad attitude and then in your heart you curse him, next moment that man fell dead. will that accomplish anything good ?

if you were to meet up with your friend to go to the mall and your friend is late because of sleep, you wished he would wake up earlier. he did for the next meeting but because of lack of sleep he staggers around the mall with you, would that make you happy that he's early ?

and if you're broke and you wished for money, God answers your prayers and gave you money but if God always answer this prayer, how will the world continue to prosper ? no one will be working or spending time and effort to make things better. people will stop manufacturing goods to sell for money because they already have more than enough money. how will you then buy things with your money ? will people stop stealing things because they have money or will it be worst because they cannot buy anything with money ?

money isn't going to change the world, but it's the mindset of the value of money that will inevitably change how we see and think about the rest of the world.

people pray for good health all the time, their lifespan to be extended. but if everyone prays this and every one of these prayers are answered, how many people will there be on Earth ? wouldn't the Earth get overpopulated with people ? how much land will we have left to grow food ? when there's no food, would anyone turn against his one kind and commit cannibalism ?

I'm sorry to say this, but we do not live like the times of adam before he fell. we live in a place where there has to be a balance of this and that. too much of this and you'll suffer from that, vice versa, too much of that and you'll suffer from this

give and take. there are things you cannot have all the time.

but never give up your faith, even in your darkest hour keep praying, because you'll never know when will the prayer be answered. and if you're going through a bad time it is not to make you give up your faith. God loves you and He will never let you go through anything alone. Trust God and keep your faith strong because after these things you'll grow up to be a stronger man in God