Friday, January 02, 2009

it's a good day today~~

met up with my "ex" NYP friend today (actually it's yesterday but well since I meant this post to be on 1 Jan 2009 might as well play on and say it's today :D)

but some of us could make it for the entire programme...which is as follows:

1700 - 1830 watch movie
1830 - ???? eat something
???? - ???? whatever~ :D

so the actual meet-up time is 1830 :)

but for the rest of us (Trudy, Mark, Clarence, Carrisa) we watched...


really wanted to watch this show. HAHA!!! :D

LOL I like little kids stuff...

after the movie we went to eat at Suki Sushi. 99 cents sushi...WA!! ate 11 plates >_<

we stopped at Rochor Beancurd (豆花) to get some 豆花 before setting off yet again to the esplanade

but it was late, so we decided to eat it at Citylink. new experience eating there :D

but anyways most of us took the Jurong East bound train (can't remember it's N-S line or E-W line >_<) and I got home at 0030 yay~~

had great fun with these guys, you know, they are like, so lively, so happy...

yea I'm happy too but I wish that...well...I want to be more lively, like them

so here's what I'm gonna do...
plan to become more lively~ +
try to become more lively~ =

and yea, you can call that a new year resolution :D

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