Monday, May 04, 2009

you're not a beast...

and so it was on sunday yesterday we watched...

X MEN!!! :D

but don't you expect this to be another movie review post...nono...

I'm talking about the line that Silverfox (Wolverine's eX wife) said to him...

"you're not a beast"

men, fueled by their adrenaline, do crazy things...well I did too...

I was angry.

I was furious.

I was so enraged a few times, I broke quite a few things at home.

I made a dent in the cupboard.

I shredded cans.

I took out a rotary chair.

yet I was still angry.

like the way Logan was angry in the movie.

once I slammed someone down the window (thank God he didn't fall off).

once I raised my fist against someone I'm not supposed to.

once I was about to lose it all again I had to stop myself from moving and just go into hyperventilation.

been in church for quite some time now. I don't feel much rage as I did before. but I know this isn't the end of this problem. I still feel that insanity inside when I'm frustrated.

looking back, was this all got to do with how you are brought up ? in an environment where you put someone down or he will 1 day put you down. or was it all just me and my imagination ? I think too much sometimes.

I want to get rid of it.

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