“I made a difference in that one”
There was once in during the 40 year journey to the Promised Land where we see a man, like the boy in the story, who made a difference in the life of many people.
Numbers 16:41-45
Here in the bible we see the people rebelling against Moses and Aaron. And this time God decides not to take their complaints anymore. He had bear with them and turns His anger away from the people and kills just the representatives or those who are truly involved in the rebellion. This time God is really angry. He wants to kill them all and there’s nothing Moses say will turn this anger away.
There is nothing the leaders of the congregation can do to stop the genocide. Nothing Moses can say can stop it. Nothing at all. This is a critical moment. People are going to die. The people that Moses loves are going to die. God is going to kill everyone and start with anew.
If it’s a man who decided to kill everybody, you can stop him. You can arrest him, lock him up and throw away the keys. But when it comes to God, what can you do? He is all-powerful. He can do anything He wants to! By just His words alone things that we can see, hear and touch comes into existence! The laws of physics obey Him! What can a man do to stop the almighty God? Nothing? Is nothing the right answer? Most certainly it is. A powerless man fighting against an almighty God. What are the odds of winning?
But Moses didn’t give up. He is determined to make a difference in the outcome.
Numbers 16:46
Numbers 16:46
Moses commanded Aaron to do something. And Aaron did what Moses commanded.
He ran to the back, grabs a censer, ran to the altar, scooped the fire with the censer and ran into the crowd of dying people. And where he stood, verse 48 says, the plague stops. Where he stood, were the people who did not die in the wrath of God.
On that day, Aaron made a difference. The faithful has won. God has accepted the atonement made for the people.
There are a few things I want you to see in this short story.
- Aaron stood in the midst of the assembly. Aaron with the atonement offering in his hand stood amongst an assembly of people who are rebelling against God. Aaron practically stood in the midst of sinners! He didn’t stand in the midst of the Christians and made a difference. He stood in the midst of the sinners.
Aaron went out of the sanctuary, his place of duty, also known today as the church, and stood in the midst of the crowd outside of the church, also known as the world. Aaron made atonement for the people in his land and God forgave them.
Ezekiel 22:30
So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.
- Aaron and the fire was the only thing that stood there. Aaron was the only one from the church who ran into the crowd to make a difference in their lives. But why was Aaron the only one? Look at verse 45. They must not be far off from the crowd. If they are, why would God tell them to get away from the crowd? If they are so near, why was Aaron the only one from the church who responded?
I can use 1 word to tell you why. Positioning. Aaron was among the people who rebelled against God. Aaron was not in the church praying or praising God when this thing happened. Aaron was out there in the world among the sinful, looking at faces, hearing their voices.
God didn’t position His church away from society. Whenever He builds a church, He builds it in the midst of people. In those times the people make camp around the tabernacle. In our time the church is built in the city. Many will see that the church is in the midst of the city because of accessibility for the members. I see it as the member’s accessibility to the unchurched. Things happen every now and then. It may not be as dramatic as what happened during Aaron’s time, but bad things still happen. Has anyone not fell down before? Has anyone not been sick before? Those are bad things that happened am I right? And God position the church in the midst of bad things happening. God wants Aarons to rise up to the occasion to run and help the people going through difficult times. God wants His people to run.
James 1:27
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
- Aaron was the unlikeliest person to do this Aaron had struggles. First of all, he’s 100 years old. Have you ever seen a 100 years old man running? That’s what Aaron did! Aaron ran like he had never run before! But how did he do it? He was no different from any other 100 years old man. What was the difference he had than other 100 year old man who cannot do it? He believed.
There was a study done on a large species of bee called the bumble bee. Now the special trait of this bee is that it has a large body and a pair of tiny wings. Their wings are so small compared to its body that it arouses the curiosity of some scientist. They did a research and found out that it is impossible for them to do it! They discovered that the bumble bee is not supposed to leave their hive by flying! So how did the bee do it? They believed! They didn’t listen to all the scientists telling them that they cannot fly but they believed!
And so did Aaron. Aaron believed and Aaron ran like a young man. And because of his belief, he made it to the crowd of dying people and atoned for their sins.
- Aaron did what is needed to be done in verse 47 we see Aaron went to do all those things that Moses told him to do immediately after the verse that says “The plague has begun.” Aaron didn’t pray. Aaron didn’t fast for a day. He didn’t start a debate with Moses saying that “oh this thing here is from God we shouldn’t interfere with it lest we die.” NO! Aaron RAN! Aaron saw the need and that was his calling to do this thing.
The need is the call. The need is the call. Aaron saw a need among the people. They are dying! What does a dying man need? A dying man wants not to die! And so Aaron did! Aaron responded to the need of the dying congregation and a miracle happened!
Miracles happen when there is a need.
Acts 3:2-8 And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple; who, seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, asked for alms. And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, “Look at us.” So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them—walking, leaping, and praising God.
The lame man had a need. He expresses his need by asking for alms. He wanted to receive something from Peter and John. He was expecting something from them and a miracle happened!
No one will need a miracle if they do not have any need. Jesus would not have to feed the 5000 if they are not hungry. Water would not have turned into wine if there is no need for celebration. There is no need to raise the dead if there is no one dead.
But in all the midst of the needs of the people, there is one very important thing that we need to know. Nobody that day would receive anything from anyone if the miracles cannot get out of the church. If Aaron doesn’t do anything then the congregation will just die at the door. If the people of God do not do anything then nothing would have happened to change the society.
Today the people outside the church have a need. Today there is a call from outside of the church. Today will you answer the call?
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