Friday, December 05, 2008

oh noes my social studies!! >_<

read this

dude, I know venice has been sinking for the pass 5 years (since I know about it only in sec 4 thus I conclude it has just started sinking then :p) but this is over exaggerating O_O

1.56m in depth, city-wide wide and shock has reached its height for those who happened to book a holiday in venice since yesterday

how bad it is ? check this out ->

kudos to the man who invented make-shift bridges

I'm getting cold feet...

"my stove ain't working so I gotta drain the water to dry the woodz..."

latest floortiles: flood style

- credits to The New York Times

last time they checked, they did not see a flood incoming

and if it ever snows in Venice, oh HALLELUJAH! finally it snowed in Venice...

hope the waters doesn't freeze over and made Venice into a great ice rink. *gasp* *cheers for ice-skaters*

wait...reality check. There WAS snowing in Venice >>> Snow in Venice


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